We are happy to share that Prof. Liz and grad student Mahshid had present
Author: Maxine He
HDCL grad student Max presenting her work on RADWear Project at IEEE EMBC 2024!
In collaboration with Dr. Manuel Hernandez, we are pleased to present o
Farewell Party for HDCL Member Keona!
HDCL members gathered together at the Big Groove Tavern onJuly 20th, 20
Congratulations to Max for passing her Ph.D. Prelim Exam!
HDCL graduate student, Maxine He, had successfully passed her prelim e
Congratulations to Mahshid for passing her Ph.D. Preliminary Exam!
HDCL graduate student, Mahshid Mansouri, had successfully passed her
Congratulations to Dr. Yu Chen and Dr. Abdul Alkurdi!
Proud moments at the hooding ceremony! Heartfelt congratulations to D
HDCL undergraduates presenting at the ISUR Research Expo
Congratulations to Amy, Roshni, and Amanda on their poster presentati
HDCL End-of-Semester Lab Party – Spring 2024
Liz and HDCL Graduate and undergraduate students gathered at Hessel Pa
Congratulations to Abdul Alkurdi for successfully defending his thesis!
On January 12th, 2024, HDCL member, Abdul Alkurdi successfully defend
Congratulations to Yu Chen and Nadja Marin for successfully depositing their theses!
Yu had deposited his Ph.D thesis titled ‘Enabling mobile robot p